CoastVision is an open-source Python framework geared towards generating satellite-derived shorelines (SDS) in PlanetScope imagery. Given a time window and an area of interest (AOI) CoastVision will download applicable PlanetScope satellite imagery, extract shorelines, and compute transect intersections.
CoastVision is inspired by CoastSat and CoastSat.PlanetScope with the key differences being CoastVision’s inclusion of an API to download PlanetScope imagery and how shoreline contours are extracted. CoastSat.PlanetScope classifies each pixel as white-water, water, sand, or other land; then using a thresholding algorithm such as peak fraction on the normalized difference water index. CoastVision classifies pixels as either land or water and then uses the marching squares algorithm to delineate a shoreline between the land and water classes.
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